Frequently Asked Questions

What is Age-Friendly Maple Grove?

AF MG is community-driven, City-sponsored initiative to make Maple Grove a better place to grow older and where residents can thrive at all stages of life. Maple Grove is a member of the World Health Organization/AARP Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities. Learn more by clicking here, or view our three-year action plan. This plan details the history of Age-Friendly Maple Grove and the work to be completed through 2021.

How can I participate in Age-Friendly Maple Grove?

Community members and other interested stakeholders are encouraged to get involved. Attend quarterly Community Connectors meetings, join a domain team (such as Housing, Transportation, Social Participation, etc.), or volunteer in another way that fits your interest and availability. Use the Contact Us form (or send an email to to be added to the email list or learn more about how you can help shape the future of Maple Grove.

How can I share a concern or provide input about what would make Maple Grove an age-friendlier community?

Age-Friendly Maple Grove encourages ongoing feedback and ideas about how to make the community a better place for older residents. Use the Contact Us form or call us at 763-494-6524 to share your thoughts.

How can I become a sponsor or make a donation?

Age-Friendly Maple Grove is grateful for its generous sponsors and community supporters. Financial contributions from businesses and other organizations, community groups, and individuals are welcomed. We are a lean operation that accomplishes a lot with a modest budget. For information about sponsorship or donation opportunities, please contact, call 763-494-6524, or request more information at Contact Us.

How can I add information to the Age-Friendly Maple Grove website?

If you would like to request that your organization or service be listed on the Age-Friendly Maple Grove website, please send information about your business/service, its relevance to AF MG, a link to your website, any other important information, and your contact information using the Contact Us form.