Services & Resources
Welcome! Age-Friendly Maple Grove has compiled a collection of resources to help connect residents to services and information on a range of topics related to aging. New information will be added over time. Use the topics below/left to find what you are looking for.
Please note that by making this information available, it does not constitute any endorsements by the City of Maple Grove, its officers or employees of the linked web sites, or the information, products, or services contained therein. View full disclaimer.
Communication & Information
Age-Friendly Maple Grove is working to ensure that important community information—about services, events, programs, and activities—is readily available to older residents through a variety of means to ensure we can all stay connected to friends, family, and community.
Local Guides and Newsletters
City of Maple Grove Focus Newsletter
Age-Friendly Maple Grove Facebook page
City of Maple Grove Facebook page
55 Forward Programs
55 Forward is the City of Maple Grove's programming for older adults in the community. It includes the senior center (located inside the Community Center), trips, events, a range of classes for physical activity, art, technology, a variety of educational topics, and many other activities. Click here to learn more.
Please note that by making this information available, it does not constitute any endorsements by the City of Maple Grove, its officers or employees of the linked web sites, or the information, products, or services contained therein. The City of Maple Grove does not exercise editorial control over the information you may find at these locations and is not responsible for it. All links are provided and are intended solely for informational purposes and are not to be construed, under any circumstances, by implication or otherwise, as an endorsement by the City of Maple Grove.