Services & Resources

Welcome! Age-Friendly Maple Grove has compiled a collection of resources to help connect residents to services and information on a range of topics related to aging. New information will be added over time. Use the topics below/left to find what you are looking for. 

Please note that by making this information available, it does not constitute any endorsements by the City of Maple Grove, its officers or employees of the linked web sites, or the information, products, or services contained therein. View full disclaimer.

Social Involvement and 55 Forward

Social connections to friends and family are important to the health and well-being of all people. 

55 Forward - City of Maple Grove Parks & Recreation

The 55 Forward programs, provided through the City of Maple Grove Parks and Recreation department, offer a variety of activities, classes, special events, and trips for older adults in the area. Programs are designed around several "domains of well-being," with options in the physical, artistic, intellectual, financial, emotional, and social realms.

Take an art class, learn to Nordic Walk, go on a group bike ride, join with friends in a game of cards, participate in yoga or water fitness, sit back and enjoy the sights on a trip, have a discussion on current events... these are just a few of the offerings available through Maple Grove's 55 Forward programs. 

Learn more by visiting the Senior Center webpage and by signing up for monthly email announcements.

Social Connections

Age-Friendly Maple Grove Tablet Program
(763) 494-6425
Through a partnership between the City of Maple Grove and T-Mobile, AF MG provides tablet devices for people to use at home. The monthly fee is $20, which covers use of the tablet, unlimited data, and training on the tablet functions and apps. There may be a waiting list to receive the tablet. Call the number above to find out and be added to that list. 

Friends & Co. - Friendship Services
Link to website

  • Phone Companions service helps older adults feeling isolated and lonely rediscover the joy of connection over the phone. Whether you choose to receive companionship or volunteer to provide it, you’ll experience the meaningful benefits of building a friendship. Participants should be at least 62 and live in Minnesota or western Wisconsin.

  • Coffee Talk is a drop-in phone line that offers older adults an easy and instant way to engage with a caring Coffee Talker in conversation. Free and confidential, no commitment. Open from 8am-12pm, Monday through Friday. 


Age-Friendly Maple Grove
Residents are the heart of Age-Friendly Maple Grove. Come join the work in whatever way interests you.

  • Attend a quarterly Community Connectors meeting. Meetings are virtual - feel free to stop by, no commitment. (See the About Us page for meeting dates and details.)
  • Join a subcommittee focused on housing, community services, or other topics
  • Share an idea or tell us what's important to you 
  • Simply get on the email list to stay up to date on the work

Get in touch at the Contact Us page with questions or for more information.

City of Maple Grove* | Link to website The City invites residents to contribute their time and talents to bettering the community. There are many ways to get involved. Click here for more information.

CROSS Services* |
CROSS Services offers a variety of volunteer opportunities. Click here to learn more and see a list of current opportunities.

Osseo Area Schools ISD 279 |
Osseo Area Schools offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for community members interested in supporting local students and schools. Click here to learn more about the process and the types of opportunities available.

Hennepin County Library
Volunteer Opportunities

Hennepin County Library has volunteer opportunities available at its various locations. Click here to see current opportunities, or call the Volunteer Coordinator's office at 612-543-8633 for more information.

Maple Grove Community Organization
MGCO is an all-volunteer committee whose members work each year to plan Maple Grove Days, Halloween Family Fun, and Breakfast or Lunch with Santa. Click here to learn more, or call and leave a message at 763-494-5985.

M Health Fairview Maple Grove
763-898-1865 | Click here for more details.
M Health Fairview offers a range of volunteer opportunities at its Maple Grove location. Click here to see a flyer with details and contact information.

Minnesota AmeriCorps Senior |
The Minnesota Senior Corps is part of the National Senior Corps operated under the Corporation for National and Community Service. The Senior Corps is a network of more than half a million seniors who are making a difference through three programs: the Senior Companion Program, the RSVP Program, and the Foster Grandparent Program. Click here to learn more and find opportunities in Hennepin County.

North Memorial Health - Maple Grove Hospital*

Maple Grove Hospital's volunteer program includes roles in 20 different departments suited to many different interests, skills, and personalities. Click here to learn more and apply, or call 763-581-1710 to receive a paper application.

Senior Community Services |
SCS offers both individual and group volunteers opportunities in all of suburban Hennepin County and Minneapolis. Click here to learn more about how to volunteer with SCS and the ways you could help.

Three Rivers Park District
Whether you're by yourself or with a group, Three Rivers has ongoing and short-term volunteer openings for many interests. Contact the Volunteer Office at 763.559.6706 or click here for more information.

Hands On Twin Cities:
Hands On Twin Cities connect people with local, organized and relevant volunteer opportunities at nonprofits that know how to work with volunteers

Please note that by making this information available, it does not constitute any endorsements by the City of Maple Grove, its officers or employees of the linked web sites, or the information, products, or services contained therein. The City of Maple Grove does not exercise editorial control over the information you may find at these locations and is not responsible for it. All links are provided and are intended solely for informational purposes and are not to be construed, under any circumstances, by implication or otherwise, as an endorsement by the City of Maple Grove.

(View full disclaimer.)