Services & Resources
Welcome! Age-Friendly Maple Grove has compiled a collection of resources to help connect residents to services and information on a range of topics related to aging. New information will be added over time. Use the topics below/left to find what you are looking for.
Please note that by making this information available, it does not constitute any endorsements by the City of Maple Grove, its officers or employees of the linked web sites, or the information, products, or services contained therein. View full disclaimer.
Click on the + to see resources under each category.
City of Maple Grove Services
My Ride (formerly Dial-a-Ride)
(763) 493-2200 | Link to website
My Ride is an advance reservation, shared-ride, curb-to-curb service available to the general public. To get more information or make a reservation, click on the link above. Wheelchair accessible.
Commuter Express
(763) 494-6005 | Link to website
Commuter express provides weekday morning rush-hour express service to downtown Minneapolis with return service to Maple Grove in the afternoon rush hour. There is one midday bus from the Transit Station to downtown Minneapolis. For route maps and more information click on the link above. Wheelchair accessible.
Jefferson Lines
(800) 451-5333 | Link to website
The City of Maple Grove has an arrangement with Jefferson Lines to provide an "intercity" bus stop at Maple Grove Transit Station located downtown at 12350 Main Street North. Jefferson Lines has three daily westbound and eastbound route stops in Maple Grove. You must purchase a ticket through Jefferson Lines in advance of making your trip. Wheelchair accessible.
Metro Transit
Metro Mobility
(651)-602-1111 | Link to website
Metro Mobility is a public bus service available to riders who are unable to use regular bus service due to a disability or health condition. Trips are provided for any purpose. To use Metro Mobility, an Eligibility Form must be completed by the rider's healthcare provider, social worker, or other relevant professional. For more information, click on the link above. Wheelchair accessible.
Transit Link
(651) 602-LINK | Link to website
Transit Link is shared-ride public transportation for the Twin Cities metro area where regular route transit service is infrequent or unavailable. For more information, click on the link above. Transit Links "links" riders to regular Metro Transit services. Wheelchair accessible.
Metro Transit
(612)-373-3333 | Link to website
The Metro Transit system is a network of trains and buses with frequent, all-day service between stations with enhanced amenities. It includes Metro Mobility and Transit Link. A Metro Blue Line extension, which will provide light rail service from Brooklyn Park to downtown Minneapolis, is under development. For routes, fares and more information click on the link above. Wheelchair accessible.
Carpool Metro Transit
Link to Carpool Metro Transit website
To use this carpool program you must create an on-line profile. The ride-match system will match you with other users, whom you may be able to carpool with.
On-Demand Transportation Services
Uber / Lyft
Link to Uber website / Link to Lyft website
Uber and Lyft are on-demand transportation services that operate nationwide. Riders must download a mobile app to their smartphone. To sign up, enter a valid phone number and a valid form of payment.
Link to website
GoGoGrandparent allows users to schedule rides on Uber and Lyft without using a smartphone.
Link to website | (763) 291-0903
Based in Maple Grove, Minnetransport provides rides for appointments, outings, and other purposes. Wheelchair accessible transportation is available.
Biking and Walking
Existing Trails
City of Maple Grove Parks & Trails Map
There are numerous biking and walking trails that connect to other trails within and outside of Maple Grove. These extensive trails are well maintained.
Please note that by making this information available, it does not constitute any endorsements by the City of Maple Grove, its officers or employees of the linked web sites, or the information, products, or services contained therein. The City of Maple Grove does not exercise editorial control over the information you may find at these locations and is not responsible for it. All links are provided and are intended solely for informational purposes and are not to be construed, under any circumstances, by implication or otherwise, as an endorsement by the City of Maple Grove.