Services & Resources
Welcome! Age-Friendly Maple Grove has compiled a collection of resources to help connect residents to services and information on a range of topics related to aging. New information will be added over time. Use the topics below/left to find what you are looking for.
Please note that by making this information available, it does not constitute any endorsements by the City of Maple Grove, its officers or employees of the linked web sites, or the information, products, or services contained therein. View full disclaimer.
Click on the + to see resource listings under each category.
*indicates organizations that are members of Age-Friendly Maple Grove
Please contact the organization directly for the most updated information.
55 Forward Recreational Programs (part of the City's Parks & Rec department)
Link to website
Maple Grove's Parks and Recreation department offers a wide range of 55 Forward programs for physical movement, activity and overall wellness (and well as general social and recreation programs). Classes accommodate varying interests and ability levels, from Easy Yoga and Tai Chi to Pickleball and Biking.
Link to website
Juniper's small group classes, live online, help participants stay active, independent, and feeling their best. Classes are free and offered in three categories: Live Well, Get Fit and Prevent Falls. Through an integrated network of community organizations and health systems, Juniper makes research-proven programs available to people throughout the state. Many classes are available to take online. Visit the website to check out class offerings.
The Club at SilverCreek on Main*
(763) 955-1750 | Link to website
8200 Main St, Maple Grove
The Club includes a fully accessible warm water pool, fitness equipment, and more. The Club offers community memberships to those 55 and older; call for more information.
Lifetime Fitness
(763) 420-8282| Link to website
12601 82nd Avenue North, Maple Grove
Lifetime offers an array of classes and facilities for various interests and fitness levels, as well as social events and spa services. Fees/memberships vary.
*Please contact the organization directly to find out the most updated details.
Caregiver and Family Support Groups
Dementia Caregiver Support Groups in Maple Grove - Alzheimer's Association
Conducted by trained facilitators through the Alzheimer’s Association; view flyer.
Where: Maple Grove Community Center
- First Thursdays, 6pm-8pm
- Second Wednesdays, 10am-11:30am
- Third Tuesdays, 1pm-2:30pm
- Second Mondays, 5:30-7pm (held at Arbor Lakes Senior Living)
Free/drop-in. Call 763-494-6514 for more info, or view this flyer.
Early Stage Dementia Support Group (New - Fall 2024)
This group is intended for peers who have been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or early stage Alzheimer's or related dementia; it is not intended for caregivers. Individuals and their care partners should contact the Alzheimer's Association before joining the group by calling 1-800-272-3900 to complete a pre-screen.
Where: Maple Grove Community Center
When: Fourth Wednesdays, 10am-11am
Caregiver Support Group - Senior Community Services
Senior Community Services offers caregiver support groups throughout the Twin Cities metro. Facilitated by Senior Community Services Licensed Social Workers, the groups offer a safe place for caregivers to learn from one another by sharing experiences, challenges, coping strategies, and humor. There is no cost to attend, though individual donations are welcomed from those with means to contribute. In-person and virtual options available.
Support Groups – Family Caregiver Connection, Anoka County
Groups meet regularly at various locations, including Coon Rapids and Anoka. More information at, or call Family Caregiver Connection at (763) 324-1608.
Memory Cafés
Memory Café - Maple Grove Community Center
The memory café is a social gathering for individuals diagnosed with early to mid-stage dementia, mild cognitive impairment or concerns about memory and their loved ones. It is a safe and supportive environment, free of judgement, where the person and her/his loved one can enjoy socializing with others who are in a similar situation. (It is NOT a drop off care option.) Individuals who attend need to be self-sufficient in their self-care (toileting, feeding and mobility). Activities may include card games, music, crafts and having fun. Light refreshments will be available. Club registration required. $10/yearly
Where: Maple Grove Community Center
When: Third Fridays monthly, 10:00 - 11:30am
pre-registration appreciated, $12.00 yearly or call 763-494-6514.
Memory Café - Senior Community Services
612-770-7005 |
Senior Community Services offers several Memory Cafés in the Twin Cities metro. They offer different activities each month, providing a positive experience for older adults with memory loss (or other types of dementia) and their caregivers.
Memory Café - Anoka County Family Caregiver Connection
(763) 324-1608 |
Memory Café is a program for individuals with early to moderate Alzheimer's and their care partners. Engaging environment where people with memory loss and their care partners can laugh, learn, and remain socially connected with others sharing the same experiences. Click here for details and schedule.
Where: Faith Lutheran Church, 11115 Hanson Blvd NW, Coon Rapids
Adult Day Programs
Angels on Main
9200 Quantrelle Avenue NE, Otsego
(763) 241-6845 | Link to website
Mission Today at The Residence at North Ridge
5500 Boone Avenue, New Hope
763-592-2666 |
Onsite Respite Care Services
Rose Arbor Maple Grove
16500 92nd Avenue North, Maple Grove
(866) 364-6079
SilverCreek on Main*
8200 Main Street, Maple Grove
(763) 955-1750 |
Other Caregiver Support
CareNextion is a free, secure, award-winning online platform (and mobile app) designed to streamline task coordination, communication, and connection among family members and friends helping to care for a loved one. It can eliminate the need for group texts, long email chains, and multiple calendars. View CareNextion flyer.
Senior Outreach & Caregiver Services from Senior Community Services
612-770-7005 | SCS Caregiver Services
Senior Community Services' team of professional licensed social workers offers a variety of caregiver support, such as caregiver coaching, caregiver consultation, facilitating family meetings, and caregiver support groups. Some services are available at no cost; rates for paid services are based on a participant’s income and ability to pay. No one is denied service for inability to pay.
Volunteers of America MN & WI: Culturally Responsive Caregiver Support and Dementia Services
Link to website | (952) 945-4034
Caregiver Services support African American and East African older adults and their caregivers through support groups, health monitoring and education, and respite care. Adult caregivers or informal providers of in-home and community care are eligible for support, so long as they are caring for an adult 60+ years of age or an individual (of any age) with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias.
Summary of area resources & support - Trellis (formerly Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging)
1-800-333-2433 | Trellis
Trellis provides information on a range of resources on numerous topics related to caregiving--such as family meetings, caregiver education, long-distance caregiving, caring for a veteran, caregiving for diverse elders, and more. You may also call Senior LinkAge line, run by Trellis, at the number above for information about caregiving help.
Caregiver Consultants - Minnesota Board on Aging
1-800-333-2433 | Link to website
The MBA makes Caregiver Consultants available across the state. These trained professionals help you on an individual basis with problem-solving, information, skills and emotional support. Your consultant can help develop strategies for you to achieve a balanced lifestyle allowing you to both provide good care and protect your own health. Generally, this service is offered free or at low cost. Certain eligibility requirements may apply and availability varies from community to community. Call the Senior LinkAge Line at 1-800-333-2433 to learn more about Caregiver Consultants and find to a consultant in your community or by a virtual connection.
Caregiver Consultants and Other Support - Wilder Caregiver Services
(651) 280-2273 | Link to website
Wilder Caregiver Services, part of The Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, provides a variety of free or low-cost caregiver supports--including access to Caregiver Consultants, weekly check-ins, and classes.
Other Services
Driver Assessment and Training
Courage Kenny Institute, Allina Health
(612)- 262-7855 | Link to website
Courage Kenny’s comprehensive driver assessment includes both clinical and on-the-road assessments and covers both physical and cognitive functioning. This service is available in multiple locations, including Coon Rapids and Golden Valley. Click here for more information.
Online Resources
ALZConnected®, powered by the Alzheimer's Association®, is a free online community for everyone affected by Alzheimer's or another dementia, including people with the disease, family members and friends, and individuals who have lost someone to Alzheimer's.
Visit here:
Insight Timer
Insight Timer is the number one free app for meditation and sleep. It includes sessions specifically for caregivers. Download Insight Timer on your phone and search for caregiver.
General Information
Alzheimer’s Association
1-800-272-3900 (24/7 Helpline) |
AARP Family Caregiving
AARP MN Caregiver Resource Guide | Link to website
Caregiver Resource Guide: Tips and tools for MN’s Caregivers
from the MN Board on Aging
Link to website
Dementia Friends Minnesota
Link to website
Dementia Friends is a global movement that is changing the way people think, act, and talk about dementia. Developed by the Alzheimer’s Society in the United Kingdom, the Dementia Friends initiative is underway in Minnesota. By helping everyone in a community understand what dementia is and how it affects people, each of us can make a difference for people touched by dementia.
Senior LinkAge Line®
Phone: 1-800-333-2433 | Link to website
The Senior LinkAge Line® is the Minnesota Board on Aging's free statewide information and assistance service. This service is provided by six Area Agencies on Aging that cover all 87 counties of Minnesota and helps connect people to local services. The Senior LinkAge Line® is answered from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays.
Lutheran Social Services of MN
1-888-881-8261 | Link to website
Lutheran Social Services of MN offers mental health services to older adults and their families and caregivers. LSS can help you deal with grief and loss, a major life transition, managing depression, veterans services, and developing skills and self-care practices for caregivers.
Link to website
Juniper's small group classes, live online, help participants stay active, independent, and feeling their best. Classes are free and offered in three categories: Live Well, Get Fit and Prevent Falls. Through an integrated network of community organizations and health systems, Juniper makes research-proven programs available to people throughout the state. Visit the website to check out class offerings.
Friendship Line - Institute on Aging
(800) 971-0016 | Link to website
The nonprofit Institute on Aging's 24-hour toll-free Friendship Line is the only accredited crisis line in the country for people aged 60 years and older, and adults living with disabilities. Trained volunteers specialize in offering a caring ear and having a friendly conversation with depressed older adults. The Friendship Line is both a crisis intervention hotline and a "warmline" for non-emergency emotional support calls. Friendship Line also offers outreach to eligible callers.
International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA) | (201) 540-9049
INELDA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing deeper meaning and greater comfort to dying people and loved ones in the last days of life. Visit their website (click here) to learn more, or use their searchable directory (click here) to locate end of life doulas in your area. There are numerous doulas in the Twin Cities area.
Please note that by making this information available, it does not constitute any endorsements by the City of Maple Grove, its officers or employees of the linked web sites, or the information, products, or services contained therein. The City of Maple Grove does not exercise editorial control over the information you may find at these locations and is not responsible for it. All links are provided and are intended solely for informational purposes and are not to be construed, under any circumstances, by implication or otherwise, as an endorsement by the City of Maple Grove.